[caption id="attachment_3551" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Tommy Normann, NMBU[/caption] Agnieszka Cuprys (Aga) is a researcher and project manager in the Process Technology and Data Science in Water Treatment research group at the EJWP partner organization the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). She is also an EJWP participant. Aga agreed to share and update on the work and connections of NMBU…
An EJWP group’s journey took them outside of Europe for the first time this month. Groups 2-3 were in Tel Aviv from 11-15 June for a Training Week hosted by EcoPeace Middle East in which they explored transboundary water issues, trained in negotiation and consultancy skills, presented results of a project, and launched a new project. The week also featured the New Waves Workshop 2023 on 14 June to exchange knowledge and work together toward future collaborations. EJWP participants interacted with representatives from EcoPeace and partner organizations to tackle how to approach collaboration on water issues from a regional and cross boundary perspective. This was the third EJWP New Waves even…
Client: NEXUSNET Period of Project: Sept – Dec 2022 Participants: EJWP3 & 4: Dimitris Kofinas, Nikos Mellios, Maureen Walschot, Mirela Sertic Peric, Thibault Moreels, Hetty KleinJan, Vesna Beljak Gulin, Aleksandra Kulic Mandic and Agnieszka Cuprys Project Description Urbanization, population growth, climate change, and other anthropogenic stresses create a need for a more integrated approach towards the use of resources. The Water-Energy-Food Nexus is a holistic approach for resources management that takes into account the profound and hidden interlinkages between the w…
Loïc Charpentier participated in our first EJWP group, which graduated in November 2021. He is originally from Bordeaux, France, and is working with Water Europe in Belgium. Loïc shares in an interview what he is working on today, and how impressions from his two-year EJWP journey are still relevant in his work. What are you working on now? The advocacy programme of Water Europe has quite a diverse set of tasks currently under development. For example, we just came back from the 2…
Client: EcoPeace Period of Project: Jan - June 2023 Participants: EJWP3 & 4: Maureen Walschot, Mirela Sertic Peric, Thibault Moreels, Hetty KleinJan, Vesna Beljak Gulin, Aleksandra Kulic Mandic and Agnieszka Cuprys Project Description The overall objective of the EcoPeace’s Master Plan for Sustainable Development in the Jordan Valley is to promote peace, prosperity and security in the area and the adjacent regions. Given that so many of the interim interventions are implementable today, under the current geopolitical situation, investment in these interventions can help solidify the overarch…
EcoPeace Middle East Is A Unique Organization That Brings Together Jordanian, Palestinian And Israeli Environmentalists. EcoPeaces’ Primary Objective Is The Promotion Of Cooperative Efforts To Protect Our Shared Environmental Heritage. In So Doing, We Seek To Advance Both Sustainable Regional Development And The Creation Of Necessary Conditions For Lasting Peace In Our Region. EcoPeace Has Offices In Amman, Ramallah, And Tel-Aviv. EcoPeaces’ vision is a sustainable and prosperous Middle East EcoPeaces’ mission is to create regional integration, sustainable management and water …