Welcoming our newest EJWP Ambassador, Chrysi Laspidou

We are proud to announce Chrysi Laspidou as our new ambassador of EJWP. She is joining Richard Elelman, Marielle van der Zouwen, and Veronica Manfredi in this honourable role within the EJWP community.

Chrysi is a Professor at the Civil Engineering Department, University of Thessaly in Greece.

‘I accepted to become an EJWP Ambassador because Young water professionals are the water leaders of tomorrow! They are the ones who should get inspired by us, that should understand and share our water vision and commit to realizing it and extending it through sustainable lifestyles and choices. It is really worthwhile to invest in the younger generation of water professionals, as it will have a great impact. It is an honour for me to be part of their inspiration’!  Read more

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