Zero Water Pollution in our EU Green Week campaign: We need all voices from all ages!

Collaboration ProjectsEvents by EJWPH2O-People

Europe is aiming for a ZERO POLLUTION system by 2050, which is vital to a healthy environment and livelihoods – as we live in a world of increasing chemicals, with climate change as an aggravating factor. The theme of EU Green Week (June) 2021 is Zero Pollution.
And what about water? Water quality is of course highly affected by pollution, and water can spread pollutants to other ecosystems. Forging ZERO WATER POLLUTION practices is key.

An inter-generational dialogue on how to achieve Zero Water Pollution can motivate people of all ages to share their ideas on how to achieve these goals. The European Commission Services and European Junior Water Programme invite you to join our Zero Water Pollution social campaign to help us all achieve Zero Water Pollution, and to highlight why it is vital to all of our well-being. We need all voices!

Our campaign is running from 22 April to 20 May 2021, so we can share action outcomes in EU Green Week during the ‘Making Waves: Young People’s Views on Water Pollution’ session organized by EJWP and the European Commission DG Environment.

Your ideas matter: BIG and small! So join us in making a real difference! Guidelines are attached, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Zero Water Pollution Campaign Guidelines

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