Our EJWP Group 4 is gearing up to head north next week from 27 November – 1 December for a Training Week in Norway, hosted by our partner organization Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Activities in the week will be together with the WatNex project, featuring a presentation on science communication and the launch of a new project in cooperation with CEBEDEAU with EJWP participant Hetty KleinJan.
Along with scheduled 2-days training sessions on leadership, resilience and agility and InterVision (peer coaching sessions) – EJWP Alumni Martha Bjarnar Gjermo will host the group at the Drammen Water and Wastewaster Agency, where she works as a Climate Advisor. We are looking forward to reconnecting with Martha, along with specialized masterclasses and field trips to discover local technology and culture during the week, which is organized by EJWP participant Agnieszka Cuprys with NMBU. Keep an eye on EJWP social media next week for updates from our training and project adventures in Norway!