Nikolaos (Nikos) Mellios, PhD, Laboratory of Hydrology & Aquatic Systems Analysis, Civil Engineering Department, University of Thessaly, is a postdoctoral researcher who is also supervised by Prof. Chrysi Laspidou. His scientific interests include Water Resources Modeling and Management, Environmental Informatics, Water-Energy-Food-Land Use-Climate Nexus, and Smart Water Systems.

We asked Nikos some questions, and these are his answers.

What value are you bringing to your organization and career from your EJWP participation?
“Collaborating with young water professionals from different scientific backgrounds is the most valuable aspect for me. I have broadened my horizons beyond engineering, and now I have experience on other water-related specialties, such as social and political directions. Although engineering is essential in dealing with the water sector, social sciences can really contribute in engaging and convincing our communities about the need to collectively act if we want a future of prosperity. A key experience so far was participating in Water Innovation Europe 2022 in Brussels, where the role of water in the net-zero carbon society was presented.”

What have you already developed in knowledge or skills?
“I think that EJWP has positively influenced some of my personal/professional skills such as the ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with teammates towards achieving a common goal. Moreover, participating in the different EJWP projects, I got some useful feedback regarding different collaboration pathways adjusted to the time and effort needed to accomplish the assignments.”

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