“Industrial Water 4.0”: EJWP2 Project with DECHEMA, Germany

IndustryInnovationsWater-Smart Society

lient: DECHEMA
Period of project: Oct-Dec 2022
Participants: EJWP2: Merel MostertAndres LuchtBorko RadivojevicManon BergeBenjamin Hermans

Introduction and problem statement

The EPA funded project Industrial Water 4.0 (IW4.0) has the goal to identify the challenges regarding the digitalization of industrial water management. To address them adequately a framework and various tools where developed. This includes assessment of the digital maturity (Maturity Model) and a Model to capture the value of water within an industrial process (True Cost of Water Model). To foster a water wise society sustainable water management solutions must now be implementers in the industries. Thus, the scope is: 

Dissemination of the findings from Industrial Water 4.0 and foster the implementation of the solutions within the industrial community in Europe 

To gain a strong outreach and a high impact a new and different perspective is required. By reinforcing the team and adding new perspectives from professional and interdisciplinary stakeholders from the water sector, we expect a stronger dissemination potential within the industrial community. EJWP2 and and their interdisciplinary background make them unique for this challenging task. 

Assignment and constraints

From the original task of just disseminating results through social media, the scope has shifted to a stronger and action-based scope that including the following:
1. Analyze the market and pain points: This includes the industrial ecosystem. The industrial pain points were analyzed and linked to project outcome. This highlights the strengths but
can also be used to find gaps.
2. Adapting the dissemination content on the stakeholders need, by covering industrial threats.
3. Provide guidance for a targeted dissemination and communication, using appropriate channels.


After a research on the industrial ecosystem with its drivers and treats, EJWP2 analyzed how the IWM Model can be used to tackle the treats and support innovation. This can be found in chapter 1 and 2. The theory and a way to communicate can be found in chapter 3. To stimulate the application in the community, marketing strategies have been discussed, as the naming of the Model and a summarizing pitch that can be used for targeted dissemination. The pitch can be found in the appendix. To finalize open question regarding the scope of dissemination, EJWP conducted a workshop, where they wanted to elaborate the follow-up, especially the after-project scope of the project partners. Based on that outcome an appropriate dissemination strategy can be evolved by the project partners.

Results will be published in early March on the upcoming project website.

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DECHEMA is the expert network for chemical engineering and biotechnology in Germany. As a non-profit…