EU Green Week with EJWP with Your Videos on Zero Pollution

Collaboration ProjectsEvents by EJWPH2O-People

How can the EU better prevent, remedy, monitor, and report on water pollution – and mainstream the zero pollution ambition into all its policy developments? Naomi Timmer moderated an expert online panel on 2 June during EU Green Week to address this question, and to show case videos submitted in the weeks leading up to the session, ‘Making waves – young people’s views on water pollution’.

Compilation of participants’ videos on Zero Water Pollution fo EU Green Week 2021

Ms. Joanna Drake, Deputy Director-General, Directorate General for Environment, European Commission said in the session that young people will be more affected by emerging problems, that they have more at stake, and that “We need to create social instruments not only for monitoring or expressing our opinions, but to give us places for us to design solutions and to implement the solutions.”

In the session wrap-up Veronica Manfredi, Director, Directorate-General for Environment, European Commission said, “We need to marry the hard and the soft skills, that there are people who are not water experts who want be part of this conversation. Water is so much what we are.” Ms. Manfredi stressed the importance of today’s younger generation being a part of the water-resources dialogue at all times and pointed out actionable change on water resources as management becomes more complex, through the Zero Pollution Action Plan.

EU Green Week Features EJWP with Your Videos on Zero Pollution

How can the EU better prevent, remedy, monitor, and report on water pollution – and mainstream the zero pollution ambition into all its policy developments? Naomi Timmer moderated an expert online panel on 2 June during EU Green Week to address this question, and to show case videos submitted in the weeks leading up to the session, ‘Making waves – young people’s views on water pollution’.

Compilation of participants’ videos on Zero Water Pollution fo EU Green Week 2021

Ms. Joanna Drake, Deputy Director-General, Directorate General for Environment, European Commission said in the session that young people will be more affected by emerging problems, that they have more at stake, and that “We need to create social instruments not only for monitoring or expressing our opinions, but to give us places for us to design solutions and to implement the solutions.”

In the session wrap-up Veronica Manfredi, Director, Directorate-General for Environment, European Commission said, “We need to marry the hard and the soft skills, that there are people who are not water experts who want be part of this conversation. Water is so much what we are.” Ms. Manfredi stressed the importance of today’s younger generation being a part of the water-resources dialogue at all times and pointed out actionable change on water resources as management becomes more complex, through the Zero Pollution Action Plan.

More videos!

An adventurous young Voice on Zero Water Pollution, with Jo Bacallo

Opening of Making Waves:

Joanna Drake, Deputy Director-General, Directorate General for Environment, European Commission

The expert panel:
Josefina Maestu, Adviser to the State Secretary, Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge
Joana Bacallo, Individual Advocate
Maros Halama, Vice-Dean for Research, Innovations & International Affairs, Technical University of Kosice
Jeremy Tormos, IoT Solutions Architect, Birdz

Closing statement of the session:

Veronica Manfredi, Director Quality of Life, Directorate-General for Environment, European Commission

Moderated by Naomi Timmer, Director H2O- People & European Junior Water Programme


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