“Aquatic Pollutants TransNet”: EJWP2 project with ACTeon, France

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    Client: ACTeon
    Period of projectApril-June 2022
    Participants: Merel MostertAndres LuchtBorko RadivojevicManon BergeBenjamin Hermans

    Introduction and problem statement

    The AquaticPollutants Transfer Project is a call launched in support of the three Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) on Water, Oceans and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) to strengthen the European research area in the field of clean and healthy aquatic ecosystems by facilitating networking between researchers, knowledge hubs and the dissemination of scientific data into the public and administrative sectors. The call selected 18 research and innovation projects that focus on the three themes of measuring, evaluating, and taking actions related to risks posed by contaminants of emerging concern (CEC), antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and pathogens present in water resources.

    To maximise the transfer of knowledge from these projects, towards academics, public authorities, policy makers and economic sectors, ACTeon – together with BRGM, Dechema & IVL – have set up “AquaticPollutantsTransNet” (APTN). We work with the 18 projects to identify the water stakeholders and analyse their knowledge gaps. We assess the political contexts of the research projects to determine regulatory demands along with stakeholder demands and align these with both existing knowledge transfer channels and innovative channels developed through co-creation methods.

    Assignment and constraints

    The tasks given to the EJWP team is set into WP1 of Aquatic Polluants Trans Net.

    The main objective of WP1 is to identify knowledge gaps on aquatic pollutants of key water stakeholders, that can be addressed with more effective / innovative knowledge transfer mechanisms. Under Task 1 we have already identified the stakeholders, their roles and responsibilities with regards to the production / use / discharge / management of aquatic pollutants. We now need to analyse their demand for knowledge (Task 1.1) as well as the channels that they use for acquiring / accessing knowledge (Task 1.3). The political demand and regulatory context, though limited on these pollutants, will also be analysed and synthesised (Task 1.1).

    The work is performed at the European scale with a focus on France, Germany and Sweden1.

    The job assigned to the EJWP team is to:

    – Conduct bilateral interviews with the key stakeholders

    – Review the regulatory context on CEC, AMR and pathogens


    • 1 guideline for interviews
    • 1 filled table with all interview reports
    • 1 filled table with the bibliographical review
    • 1 word report of results
    • 1 synthetic presentation of results (nice lay-out to be disseminated among the 18 projects + persons interviewed)

    Note: Our data management plan and policy on the protection of personal data needs to be strictly followed by the EJWP team. The details will be discarded in the first meeting. The team will have access to contact details of persons interviewed and it will be ensured that these details are not discarded to any third parties outside the TransNet project and will not be kept after the tasks is performed.


    More info: http://aquatic-pollutants.eu/

    The list of stakeholders to be interviewed and the list of documents to be reviewed will be given to the team.

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