Aqua Alarm

CompanyEJWP partnerEJWP1
SMEWater Distribution

“Keeping your drinking water safe with BiWAS”

We are a water technology company delivering real-time monitoring equipment, BiWAS, that is accurate, cheap, robust and small. Our vision is to make BiWAS a game changer in the way we ensure safe drinking water for the future, and we believe our solution has the potential to help drinking water providers save thousands of lives worldwide from waterborne diseases.

Our organization consist of one of the worlds most advanced research teams, and IT development team and a business development team.

Aqua Alarm believes that establishing new connections and increasing competence within the field of water management will be important in our future business development process, and we see the EJWP programme as a good opportunity to achieve both connections and competence and at the same time increase the personal professional skills of one of our young professionals.

We are continuously developing our technology, and are working on our understanding of the water market and the needs that our technology should meet. Participating in the EJWP programme will increase our understanding of the European marked and we look forward to receiving valuable input and comments on our projects from the other participants in the program.

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