EJWP2 is set to tackle their new project on the knowledge transfer related to contaminants of emerging concern and anti-microbial resistance in aquatic ecosystems. This AquaticPollutantsTransNet (APTN) project with ACTeon Environment is part of a larger European effort called the AquaticPollutants Transfer Project. EJWP’s role in APTN is to compile information through interviewing a range of stakeholders, policy makers, and academics on needs of knowledge transfer in this area.
The Aquatic Pollutants Transfer Project is in support initiatives on water, oceans and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to strengthen European research on healthy aquatic ecosystems through facilitating networks among researchers, knowledge hubs and the dissemination of scientific data. The focus is on themes of 1) measuring 2) evaluating and 3) taking action on risks from contaminants of emerging concern, AMR and pathogens in water resources.
To better share knowledge with academics, public authorities, policy makers and economic sectors, ACTeon, together with BRGM, Dechema & IVL, has set up the APTN initiative. APTN will work to identify the water stakeholders and study their knowledge gaps. Political contexts of the research projects will be assessed to determine regulatory and stakeholder demands, and align with existing knowledge transfer channels and new channels developed through co-creation methods.
“Looking forward to starting the work with EJWP2 and reach out to water and marine stakeholders in order to discuss knowledge needs and knowledge transfer innovations on chemicals of emerging concerns, pathogens and antimicrobial resistance in our aquatic environments,” said Maïté Fournier, senior project manager at ACTeon, in charge of the APTN project.
The EJWP2 Assignment
The EJWP team is tasked with data collection and analysis to feed into deliverables for the APTN project. The EJWP team will conduct bilateral interviews with key stakeholders and review the regulatory context on CEC, AMR, and pathogens.
This project is a transversal initiative aimed at support through knowledge transfer activities. Most research projects struggle in meeting their dissemination objectives and answering to end-users needs. The amount of research results produced and funded at the EU level is under-used, and practitioners and policy makers often struggle to access the latest knowledge to support their work.