Call for expressions of interest: “Refreshing H2O Policy: An EU socio-economic workshop” Rotterdam, 30 Jan. – 1 Feb.

Refreshing the role of social and economic thinking, methods and tools to support EU Blue policy transition delivering sustainability, resilience and security 

Call for expressions of interest 

Refreshing H2O policy provides a space for policy makers, practitioners and environmental socio-economists to get together and identify the disruptive breakthroughs in social and economic thinking required to support European Blue policy transition in facing present and future challenges, including climate change.

The workshop will build on experiences in applying social and economic thinking, methods and tools to support decision making at different scales (local, metropolitan area, catchment, river basin and sea basin) including in the context of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Sources of inspiration from “beyond the blue”, including biodiversity and climate change, will be welcome new perspectives, approaches and ideas will be injected into the debate thanks to, among others, the participation of young professionals from different disciplines and policy domains. The deadline for filling in the expression of interest is on January 4th

Interested in knowing more, and joining us? Please visit

Participation fee: EUR 150 (covering lunches, coffee breaks and two dinners) – The workshop organizers do not cover travel and accommodation costs. 

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