An Interactive Path & Wrap-up of the SMARTEN Project 

Six interesting months are left in the completion of the SMARTEN project. This Erasmus+ initiative has been working to generate and share innovative digital interaction practices based on serious games in education. The target benefits are in the water sector – in line with European environmental and climate goals. 

Two intellectual outputs of the project have been realized so far:  

  • Facilitation of Digital Gamified Workshops by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) were designed to stimulate optimization through broader collaboration and to motivate users to solve problems empirically. These digital gamified workshops featured three serious games including: SIM4NEXUS, SIMBETHEL and eCity. 
  • The launch of the Augmented Collaboration Toolkit by H2O-People, is supporting trainers and teachers within higher education and LLL programs, as a support for serious games to create a shared narrative, and for the skills to work in digital environments. The toolkit was jointly designed through the academia and Lifelong Learning programs, with target benefits for groups including educators, students, practitioners, experts, specialists, decision-makers, and researchers. 

Elements of SMARTEN were brought in to support collaboration in the hybrid EJWP New Waves Festival 2022, with support of the MIRO platform for collaboration, and online participation supported with interactive HowSpace questions and input. “We’ve seen the value across the water and education sectors of a different kind of applied learning and user experience that enables users to apply potential scenarios within a safe simulated environment, and to experience a broader scope of collaboration. I think more European organizations can benefit from the approach that we’re realizing in the project.,” said Rasha Hassan, Project Officer in SMARTEN. 

Three Multiplier events have also taken place so far SMARTEN with the engagement of a range of target groups: young water professionals, water educators, and industrial stakeholders. The objectives are mostly to disseminate knowledge, test and evaluate the different outputs of SMARTEN. The outcomes of the latest multiplier event can be accessed here 

A final project multiplier event is coming next month on “Open training on eLearning with serious games.” This event aims to disseminate eLearning modules and transfer experience on implementation in study programs. And the project closing meeting will take place in the first quarter of 2023 in Greece. 

For more information, visit the SMARTEN project website at: 

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