Dimitris Kofinas, PhD, of the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Thessaly is a civil engineer. His thesis was on advanced tools for urban water demand simulation and forecasting at multiple spatio-temporal scales, with the scientific supervision of EJWP Ambassador Prof. Chrysi Laspidou. His scientific interests include Mathematical Modeling, Water system Simulation Methods, Water Resources Management, Lake Modeling, Water Reuse and Reclamation and the WEF Nexus.

We asked Dimitris some questions, and these are his answers.

What are the benefits of an international water-sector network?

“The benefits are multiple. I would distinguish the opportunity to understand how things are happening in different countries. This is very important, especially in these times, because climate change brings new challenges in all regions. In Greece, for example, we have more storm water incidents in our cities. We need to exploit the existing knowledge and experience from northern countries in Europe, rather than to reinvent the wheel for our own needs. A good water network can catalyze mutual international capacity building and exchanges of experience.”

How are you building networks with EJWP?

EJWP offers three networking channels: First of all, there is networking with the other participants and trainers; second, the ecosystems of the projects’ clients and stakeholders; and third, through synergies at networking events. Naomi Timmer, the EJWP director, is especially talented in exploiting such synergies for the EJWP participants’ benefit.”

What value are you bringing to your organization and career from your EJWP journey?

“EJWP offers extremely valuable insight in the international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral collaborative work around water issues. Our projects are taking place in various settings, different themes and with various roles, while at the same time we have the unique opportunity to get feedback from our EJWP colleagues and trainers on what went wrong and what went right with our performance. It is revealingly useful to get such feedback. “

What is a memorable experience with EJWP so far?

“I recall a dinner in a nice Moroccan tavern during our recent Training Week in Mechelen, Belgium. There was an anti-war protest outside that had just finished. A lady from the protest came in and offered us origami swans of different colors that she had made herself. We had quite a symbol there at our table. Diversity can be a real strength in collaborations. Another moment I also enjoyed was my participation in a panel on water circular economy, at the World Impact Summit in Bordeaux. It was a very interesting discussion. “


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